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Wellington, New Zealand
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Friday, July 29, 2016

Week in the Life 2016: Completed Album!

well i said i wanted to have this finished before the next Day in the Life

(which is TOMORROW)

and i DID!

so without further ado, here is my 2016 Week in the Life album. Complete.

i actually took this photo on the last day of the project
i was pretty happy with the way the Week in the Life sticker fit in the lens,
..and i was pretty UNhappy with the way i smudged the date stamp, but thems the breaks
it certainly doesn't make or break the album!

i can't get over how FULL my album is.
i thought surely with the larger album, the page would just swim in it, but those chipboard dividers add quite a bit of thickness, and i guess i just made a lot of pages!

i used one of ali's 6x8 templates for the photos that mikaela sent me from london that day
she was living in a hostel that week as it turns out!
these are the OTHER VOICES that i love to include in my album

i ended up taking out these chipboard dividers
as fun as they are - they made the album sooooooo thick it was unreasonable, so out they went

i took of the card on the back and backed it with a single 3x4 card (pictured further down this post)

i actually dabbled with some repetition in this album
i took a picture of the morning paper and placed in the same place on a 3x4 page protector next to the slanted days of the week template i printed

i also put the clear plastic letters in the same place each day, i.e. on the bottom left of a 3x4

singing and dancing at the same time
never pretty, but hey, it's real

decided to keep the 2x2 page pretty simple

using another of ali's 6x8 layered templates to include a snap shot of 
where everyone is right now in their lives
i include this in every memory keeping project i complete

i never miss an opportunity to include a fun fact!

the top half of the 3x4 page protectors is pretty much the only repetition that will occur in my album. i DID give some thought to ali's process of BATCH processing her album, but it just doesn't work for me, my photos and my stories - and that's ok!

oh, and "friends". always "friends"

i love this photo
i'm thinking of taking a photo on the first of the month or something to see how the view changes over time
of course we may not be in this house much longer, but it's a nice idea yes!!!

i think this is my favourite page of my album so far

heart rate 179 - i'm surprised it didn't beat right out of my chest during that class!

didn't include the other page of journalling.
one doesn't have to share EVERYTHING!

yes i put the card on the wrong side, but i'm rolling with it...

i used the bottom half of the chipboard 3x8 to adhere screenshot texts from my girl in london

a 6x8 for the last of Mikaela's photos that she's been sending me all week

 as i'd been making my way through the week and adding pages to the album, i had the slow realisation that i'd probably have to take out the chipboard dividers. they simply made the album too thick. 

 WITH dividers...

...and without.

sits much better.

not sure i'll ever use the dividers, but i'll just have to chalk it up to collateral damage...

here's what i did instead - i ripped the text card off the back and adhered them to a [thinner] 3x4 card



thank you to all the wonderful people who made up this particular week in my life

you're all an integral part of EVERY week of my life <3 p="">


1 comment:

mandyb said...

wahoooooooo go you!!!
love it all
esp the last one of the albums all lined up